Child Health and Vaccinations
The childhood vaccinations are now given at two, three and four months to protect small babies from whooping cough, Hib, diptheria, tetanus, polio and meningitis C. The MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) is given at 15 months. Child development checks are shared between the doctors and the health visitors and when your child is due for one of these checks an appointment will be sent to you.
Adult Vaccinations
Any adult with vaccination queries can get advice from our Practice Nurse team. Flu vaccinations are available in the autumn for all over 65years of age and others with diagnosed asthma, diabetes, respiratory or heart problems and certain other chronic illnesses.
Cervical Smears
It is very important for all women between 20 and 65 to have a cervical smear test every five years. Cervical cancer is slow to develop and if picked up early this is totally curable by simple painless treatment. The nurse carries out this check.
Diabetes, asthma and heart and circulation problems
We offer a comprehensive clinic service for patients with diagnosed diabetes, asthma and heart and circulation problems. These are run by the doctor and nurse and help with monitoring, medication and lifestyle advice.
Smoking Cessation
- Run by practice nurse
- Advice and support on stopping smoking
Family Planning
- Advice from doctor or practice nurse
- Oral contraception, depot injections and coil fittings
- Emergency contraception
- As all our services this is confidential
Minor Surgery
- Removal of cysts and lumps etc
- Run by doctor and health care assistant
Non-NHS Services
The NHS does not cover some services such as private sick notes, insurance claim forms, passport applications and certain medical examinations. Charges are made in line with the British Medical Association recommendations as displayed at reception.
Help Yourself To Health
Six ways you can really help yourself to live a healthier lifestyle.
- Be a non smoker
- Be a reasonable weight
- Take regular exercise
- Eat a high fibre low fat diet
- Take alcohol only in moderation
- Avoid excessive exposure to the sun